"I come from a proud family that has been involved with public service for as long as I can remember. I want to work for you. We need to create transparency and accountability, improve work environment and employee morale, and make accessibility - especially for our underserved and vulnerable populations, a top priority. With 33 years of government experience working in the Bexar County District Clerk's office; 20 years as a supervisor and 8 years as a division chief, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate the working relationships with other agencies and elected offices, and get things done."

I am committed to restoring consistency and stability to the office of the Bexar County District Clerk. I will also work to improve the quality of customer service and streamline service response times and systems to ensure fairness and equitable application of policies. I plan on dedicating time on technology by bringing online document access to view and/or purchase copies while in the convenience of your home/office. My commitment to improvements and expanding access include the establishment of satellite hubs to allow for subsequent filings and document execution that will eliminate downtown congestion, unnecessary travel and parking fees. Collaboration with other county departments and elected officials will ensure improvements and strategic goals are met.
I plan to implement innovative and strategic policies to improve communication with all stakeholders involved in business conducted with the District Clerk’s office. The District Clerk is the face of the office and Department and should be present at all times. The District Clerk must also work openly with overlapping elected officials, the legal community, businesses and families to ensure the best outcomes.
I believe the District Clerk sets the tone for the office and workplace. Employers should lead by example and every employee deserves to feel like they are on an even playing field receiving equitable resources to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. Employees should also receive equal treatment regardless of their position or title. I am committed to improving the morale and atmosphere within the office of the District Clerk. Every employee is a community member and should always be treated with respect. I have a plan to open the lines of communication with all employees to implement regular weekly and monthly meetings and workshops to provide an opportunity for all employees to share ideas and suggestions to simplify duties, improve productivity, and streamline training.